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Should you be taking a collagen supplement?

Should you be taking a collagen supplement?

Collagen. It’s one of the essential building blocks of healthy skin and many other parts of the body like our hair, nails, and bones. It gives our skin its structure, strength and elasticity, and that’s what forms the scaffolding of the skin – the supportive base that provides us with the lift we need for a plump, vibrant complexion.

Unfortunately, however, optimum levels don’t last, and once we hit 25, production starts to slow down – inducing a loss of elasticity, firmness and luminosity. When collagen breakdown begins, the skin gradually loses that scaffolding, and it starts to look frail and collapses more easily into folds. While we can’t prevent these changes, there are things that we can do to slow them down.

Why is collagen important?

Our skin produces collagen in cells called fibroblasts, and this process of producing and renewing collagen goes on very efficiently until we hit our mid-twenties, at which point the production line starts to slow down. When this happens, our skin can’t repair itself as fast or as well as it did before, and it’s less resilient. Gradually, the expression lines that show up when we smile, laugh, or frown start to become embedded.

We continue to produce collagen well into our 40s, but for many women, the problem becomes apparent when we enter perimenopause, and suddenly, production more or less stops altogether. What’s worse is our lifestyle choices don’t always help preserve our collagen bank. UV light gradually wears down collagen if you fail to protect your skin with sunscreen on a daily basis. Our diet can also fuel collagen breakdown if we don’t feed our body with the proper nutrients, we can trigger free radicals, the unstable molecules that are created in the body by the effects of pollution, smoking and ultraviolet light.

Collagen is fundamental to the look and quality of the skin, which is why in the majority of our clients, we aim to rebuild that collagen, kick-starting fibroblasts into action through injectable or technology-based treatments and science-backed skincare.

Should you be ingesting collagen?

The thinking behind beauty supplements is just the same as that for dietary supplements – to top up levels of a single or variety of compounds that are known to be integral to your health, but that, for one reason or another, your body isn’t producing enough when left to its own devices. Now we know that collagen production almost ceases entirely when we hit perimenopause. So ingesting it through a supplement can help improve skin elasticity and hydration, mainly when used in conjunction with a good anti-ageing skincare plan.

For a long time, there was a lot of scepticism surrounding the efficacy of collagen supplements, but in the last couple of years, more science-backed innovative formulations have entered the market, and we have seen some nice results.

What to look for in a collagen supplement.

The brands that contain enough of the right sort of collagen can make a measurable difference to your skin, and several brands have conducted excellent clinical trials that demonstrate the improvements their products can make. But not all collagen supplements are created equal, so it’s wise to do your research before purchasing.

Firstly, it’s essential to look for hydrolysed collagen formulas. This means that the collagen has been broken up into tiny fragments so the body can absorb and use it. Once broken up this way, the collagen peptides are small enough to be absorbed, unchanged through the digestive tract and distributed throughout the entire body. Essentially, your body is tricked into thinking that these fragments indicate there has been some trauma to the skin and repair is urgently needed, which then stimulates fibroblasts to produce more collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid – the three compounds that give our skin its youthful qualities.

It’s important to realise that if your body is nutritionally depleted, even if you’re taking a high-quality collagen supplement daily, your body still won’t be able to produce new collagen. We actually need stable amounts of various vitamins and minerals to enable collagen production. That’s why my favourite collagen supplement combines everything you need. Skinade is a drink that supports the skin all over your body. It works from the inside out to rebuild and strengthen the collagen matrix below the skin’s surface, boost natural levels of hydration and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

30 days worth of liquid collagen. The ideal way to kickstart a healthy lifestyle, or compliment collagen stimulating treatments in clinic.
Contains marine collagen (from fresh-water fish), not suitable for vegans or strict vegetarians. Ingredients include hydrolysed collagen peptides, vitamin B complex, MSM (organic sulphur), vitamin C, L-lysine and omegas 3 & 6. I simply mix it with half a glass of sparkling water in the morning, and it goes down a real treat.

An antioxidant supplement that fights free radicals, reducing and preventing the signs of skin aging and works from the inside out to protect, shield, rejuvenate and repair the skin all over the body not just the face.

Vitamin A
Vitamin A has anti-ageing functions thanks to its antioxidant power that fights free radicals. Increases dermal moisture levels. Contributes to normal skin function and normal skin cell replication.

Vitamin D
In addition to dietary forms, Vitamin D is known as ‘the sunshine vitamin’ as it is produced by the skin through exposure to sunlight. Its production depends on several variables such as SPF use and season, therefore its use is particularly recommended in the winter months or if you have a reduced exposure to the sun. Addresses autoimmunity.

Vitamin D helps to synthesis enzymes present in the mucous membranes responsible for the active transport of available Calcium. For this reason, the skinade Targeted Solutions Derma Defence formula contains Calcium to support absorption.


water, mango concentrate, calcerous marine algae ,vitamin A retinol acetate, vitamin D3 cholecalciferol, natural flavourings, preservative: potassium sorbate, sweetener: sucralose.

Calories: 12.85 per daily serving

Skinade Targeted Solutions Derma Defence A&D Boost does not contain bovine or porcine products, hormones, genetically modified organisms (GMO), alcohol, added sugar, artificial flavours or artificial colours.



July 25, 2021

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