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healthy diet

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Get your health to a higher point .

Latest News – October 17, 2021

Get your health to a higher point .

We all owe it to ourselves to be healthy, so you are resilient and strong.   Your first line of defence is a healthy fresh wholesome diet. Be aware of where you source your food. There are some great sources of fresh eggs, vegetables and fruit delivered to your door direct from the farm.  Try to source fresh - Fish should look as if it might jump up and swim away. The skin should be bright and shiny with close-fitting scales. Dry, dull flesh and loose scales are signs of age. The eyes should be clear and bulging; if the fish has sunken or cloudy eyes, look for a fresher specimen.

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Skin and Ageing.

Latest News – May 25, 2023

Skin and Ageing.

  Many things cause our skin to age. Some things we some we can influence, others we can do nothing about . The skin has three important layers: the outer epidermis, the middle dermis and the inner subcutaneous fat layer. The epidermis is a thin layer that contains the pigment that colours your skin. The thicker dermis layer contains hair follicles, oil glands and blood vessels. The inner, fatty layer serves as a protective barrier to your organs. As you age, the epidermis gradually thins and pigment levels decrease. This results in thinner, paler skin. You may also notice sunspots from UV exposure, known as solar lentigo. 

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Food is a lot more than simple calories

Latest News – May 08, 2023

Food is a lot more than simple calories

Food is a lot more than calories. Research evidence suggests that food also speaks to our genome, which is the genetic blueprint that directs the way the body functions down to the cellular level.  This brings a whole new meaning to the idea of a food chain. Indeed, if our bodies are influenced by what we have eaten – down to a molecular level – then what the food we eat  also could affect our genome. For example, compared to milk from grass-fed cows, the milk from grain-fed cattle has different amounts and types of vitamins A , C and fatty acids. So when we  drink these different types of milk, our cells also receive different nutritional messages. Like wise as a human mother’s diet changes the levels of fatty acids as well as vitamins such as B-6, B-12 and folate that are found in her breast milk. This could alter the type of nutritional messages reaching the child’s own genetic switch, and whether or not this has an effect on the child’s development.  Epigenetics - what is it ? Your genes play an important role in your health, but so do your behaviors and environment, such as what you eat and how physically active you are. Epigenetics is the study of how your behaviours and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work. Unlike genetic changes, epigenetic changes are reversible and do not change your DNA sequence, but they can change how your body reads a DNA sequence.

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