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Skin Peels- Chemical Peels

Latest News – September 30, 2024

Skin Peels- Chemical Peels

    Chemical peels are an excellent treatment to treat wrinkles, discoloured skin and scars — usually on the face. They can be done alone or combined with other treatments. This treatment is an excellent introduction to skin rejuvenation.How they works:Using a chemical exfoliant the skin is prepared, an acid-based solution then instigates a process that increases skin cells turnover.Benefits:The benefits of this are that the dead layers of the skin are removed, the underlying cells are turning over at an increased rate which mildly increases collagen production and introduces the skin to a better skin cycle.

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Sleep and how it impacts your skin ?

Latest News – September 17, 2023

Sleep and how it impacts your skin ?

Sleep is a crucial component of overall health and wellness, and it has a significant impact on the health and appearance of your skin. When you sleep, your body is able to repair and regenerate itself, including the skin cells on your face and body.  During sleep, your body increases blood flow to the skin, which helps to nourish and oxygenate the cells. This can help to reduce inflammation, remove damaged cells, and improve the overall health of your skin. In addition, the body produces more collagen, a protein that helps to keep the skin looking smooth and youthful, during sleep. This is due to the fact that, while you were sleeping is the prime time that growth, hormone and other repairative hormones are released into circulation. If you are not getting adequate sleep, your body will not be producing and utilising these hormones as effectively as it should.

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Are you in a constant cycle of “flight or fight”?

Latest News – September 08, 2023

Are you in a constant cycle of “flight or fight”?

When you are in a stressful situation, your body may react by going into “fight or flight “ mode, pumping out stress hormones, raising blood pressure and pulse, and redirecting blood away from your organs towards your legs and arms to prepare the body for “flight” . This would be important if you needed to get away from a wild animal, but today we are less likely to find ourselves needing to get away from a wild animal.Normally for a healthy person, the body bounces back to normal once the stressful times are over . Many people get stuck in fight of flight mode. This is especially true when people find themselves dealing with chronic health conditions or a family or work related situation that they cannot handle. The chronic stressors become a self perpetuating vicious cycle . This situation can then lead to anxiety . People sometimes try and reduce the anxiety by avoiding the feared situation altogether.

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Get your health to a higher point .

Latest News – October 17, 2021

Get your health to a higher point .

We all owe it to ourselves to be healthy, so you are resilient and strong.   Your first line of defence is a healthy fresh wholesome diet. Be aware of where you source your food. There are some great sources of fresh eggs, vegetables and fruit delivered to your door direct from the farm.  Try to source fresh - Fish should look as if it might jump up and swim away. The skin should be bright and shiny with close-fitting scales. Dry, dull flesh and loose scales are signs of age. The eyes should be clear and bulging; if the fish has sunken or cloudy eyes, look for a fresher specimen.

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Nasal breathing.

Latest News – May 27, 2023

Nasal breathing.

  New research has found that obstructive sleep apnea — a disorder in which breathing stops and starts during sleep — is associated with an increased risk for gout, a common cause of  arthritis. Scientists studied 15,879 patients with apnea and 63,296 matched controls without, following them for an average of almost six years. Over that time, 4.9 percent of people with apnea developed gout, compared with 2.6 percent of those without the disorder. 

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How does sleep impact Your skin?

Latest News – March 30, 2023

How does sleep impact Your skin?

During sleep, your body increases blood flow to the skin, which helps to nourish and oxygenate the cells. This can help to reduce inflammation, remove damaged cells, and improve the overall health of your skin. In addition, the body produces more collagen, a protein that helps to keep the skin looking smooth and youthful, during sleep. This is due to the fact that, while you were sleeping is the prime time that growth, hormone and other repairative hormones are released into circulation. If you are not getting adequate sleep, your body will not be producing and utilising these hormones as effectively as it should.

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Sleep and skin health.

Latest News – July 25, 2021

Sleep and skin health.

Good quality, restorative sleep is also crucial for the nightly cellular repair, regeneration and immune function. Every night, we go through repeated cycles of two distinctly different sleep phases: Rapid Eye Movement (REM, when the most active dreaming happens) and non-REM sleep (NREM, the deeper sleep). During NREM, blood flow is directed from our brain and body core, more towards the body’s periphery including the skin. Thus, a restorative hormone flow is established, and cellular repair is enhanced.Sleep deprivation on the other hand is known to contribute to systemic inflammation, even after a short period of only a couple of weeks, as research has shown. In fact, sleep deprivation is thought to increase all sorts of age-related processes as well as chronic health problems.

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Relaxation advice from Sabina at Serenity Day Spa

Latest News – March 10, 2021

Relaxation advice from Sabina at Serenity Day Spa

  The vagus nerve (also known as the 10th cranial nerve or CN X) is a very long nerve that originates in the brain stem and extends down through the neck and into the chest and abdomen. It carries both motor and sensory information, and it supplies innervation to the heart, major blood vessels, airways, lungs, esophagus, stomach, and intestines.While there are actually two vagus nerves (the left and the right), doctors usually refer to them together as “the vagus nerve.”The vagus nerve helps control several muscles of the throat and of the voicebox. It plays a major role in regulating the heart rate and keeping the gastrointestinal tract in working order. The vagus nerves also carry sensory information from the internal organs back to the brain Cold water therapies stimulate the vagus nerve as does singing and gargling .       

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How to cope with that nameless dread, anxiety and stress.

Latest News – January 20, 2021

How to cope with that nameless dread, anxiety and stress.

Experts in the field of breathwork say that as many 80% of us have dysfunctional breathing patterns. We come in to the world knowing how to breath, but as we age we appear to learn to breath shallow and short. People who are anxious tend to breathe in their upper lungs (upper chest) with shallow, rapid breaths, instead of breathing into their lower lungs (lower chest). This is one contribution to hyperventilation: shallow, upper lung breathing.

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Stretches to assist you working at a desk

Latest News – January 04, 2021

Stretches to assist you working at a desk

Your posture at your desk can be a big factor in any neck and shoulder pain you’re experiencing. Stretch your chestWhat’s the use of straining our back and back-of-the-shoulder muscles to try and sit up straight, when we have tight, wound-up chest and front-of-the-shoulder muscles pulling us forward? Actively work to release your rib cage. See that your seat is at the correct position - in line with the correct position of the monitor. Use a head set rather than a handset for your phone.

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Listen to  Dr Andrew Huberman, Neuroscientist on dealing with Stress.

Latest News – January 04, 2021

Listen to Dr Andrew Huberman, Neuroscientist on dealing with Stress.

“The eyes are fundamentally the most powerful driver of what we think, what we feel, and ultimately what we can do, because they set the basic level of alertness or sleepiness.” Dr Andrew Huberman, a neuroscientist and tenured Professor in the Department of Neurobiology at the Stanford University School of Medicine. Listen to his podcasts to hear his advice on managing stress. Tips on how to improve sleep etc.   

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