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Skin Peels- Chemical Peels

Latest News – September 30, 2024

Skin Peels- Chemical Peels

    Chemical peels are an excellent treatment to treat wrinkles, discoloured skin and scars — usually on the face. They can be done alone or combined with other treatments. This treatment is an excellent introduction to skin rejuvenation.How they works:Using a chemical exfoliant the skin is prepared, an acid-based solution then instigates a process that increases skin cells turnover.Benefits:The benefits of this are that the dead layers of the skin are removed, the underlying cells are turning over at an increased rate which mildly increases collagen production and introduces the skin to a better skin cycle.

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Protect your skin from Pollution.

Latest News – April 06, 2024

Protect your skin from Pollution.

It’s not just UV light from the sun that wreaks havoc on our complexion; environmental damage is also a cause of dull, rough, blotchy, discoloured, and older-looking skin. Daily exposure to various forms of pollution accelerates signs of ageing.Air pollution is a collective term for all gases or particles that are released by human activity. This includes exhaust fumes from cars, production processes, petroleum and other chemical refineries and cigarette smoke.

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Skin and Ageing.

Latest News – May 25, 2023

Skin and Ageing.

  Many things cause our skin to age. Some things we some we can influence, others we can do nothing about . The skin has three important layers: the outer epidermis, the middle dermis and the inner subcutaneous fat layer. The epidermis is a thin layer that contains the pigment that colours your skin. The thicker dermis layer contains hair follicles, oil glands and blood vessels. The inner, fatty layer serves as a protective barrier to your organs. As you age, the epidermis gradually thins and pigment levels decrease. This results in thinner, paler skin. You may also notice sunspots from UV exposure, known as solar lentigo. 

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Moisturisers, What are they?

Latest News – August 20, 2021

Moisturisers, What are they?

  Moisturiser is simply a generic term that encompasses an extensive array of topical creams, gels, lotions, emulsions, and ointments. These formulas may contain humectants, occlusives or emollients in their combination of ingredients.To choose the best moisturiser for your skin, it’s important to understand the difference between the different ingredients etc. Why It’s Important to Moisturise Your Skin.The difference between emollients, humectants and occlusives really depends on the benefits required. Moisturisers make dry, tight skin feel better and plump up the surface skin cells to enhance the texture and glow of the skin. They hydrate the outer surface of the skin and help resolve dryness, flakiness, redness, and itchiness.    

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Skincare tips for a defined jawline & firmer neck.

Latest News – March 23, 2021

Skincare tips for a defined jawline & firmer neck.

 Skincare tips for a defined jawline & firmer neck.  They say you can tell a person’s age by looking at their neck. When you make time to care for your skin with regular treatments and at-home rituals, a crepey neck and jawline is the last thing you want.  There are several factors that cause your jawline and neck to drop or wrinkle. As you age, your skin loses collagen and elastin — two proteins that are responsible for how taught, firm and supple your skin is. Not only is the skin on your neck thinner, it’s also a highly mobile body part that continually bends and twists with the motion of our head. This makes it far more susceptible to wrinkles over time!Genetics have a part to play in how the skin on your neck and jaw develop as you age. This is why it’s important to take action early if you suspect you’re genetically prone to looser skin in this area. Daily activities are also a contributing factor, the most common being looking down at a smartphone or laptop screen (it’s called ‘tech neck’!). Sun damage is another factor, over many years of exposure the skin becomes damaged. This takes time to show visibly on the surface.  It’s common for the neck and full jawline area to be neglected during a daily skincare ritual. Many of us are so focused on facial problem areas that we forget to bring product further down onto the neck area! After all — it’s not just your face that needs TLC. Your neck and jawline can also benefit from cleansing, toning,  moisturising and protection. Combine with in clinic treatments like Radiofrequency for enhanced benefits.  At-home treatments for a firm neck and defined jawline. Whether you’re looking for a dedicated product to bring into your existing at-home skincare ritual or want something to maintain the results of a treatment, you can find a solution in this neck cream recently launched by SkinCeuticals. SkinCeuticals Tripeptide-R Neck Repair . SkinCeuticals Tripeptide-R Neck Repair is an award-winning 0.2% retinol cream that has been specially formulated for the neck area. It uses Tripeptide Concentrate to fortify and firm the skin, while Glaucine Complex reduces collagen denaturing, so you keep more of your natural firmness for longer. How to use.This neck firming cream has a strong formulation, so should only be used once a week for the first week. You can increase this to twice daily once you’ve built up a retinol tolerance. Massage two pumps of product in upward movements towards the jawline for the best effects. Avoid mixing with other retinol or glycolic products in the same area. You can use retinol/ glycolic on your face and use SkinCeuticals Tripeptide-R Neck Repair on your neck and chest area.     Shop now

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How to cope with that nameless dread, anxiety and stress.

Latest News – January 20, 2021

How to cope with that nameless dread, anxiety and stress.

Experts in the field of breathwork say that as many 80% of us have dysfunctional breathing patterns. We come in to the world knowing how to breath, but as we age we appear to learn to breath shallow and short. People who are anxious tend to breathe in their upper lungs (upper chest) with shallow, rapid breaths, instead of breathing into their lower lungs (lower chest). This is one contribution to hyperventilation: shallow, upper lung breathing.

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Retinoids vs Bakuchiol. Is bakuchiol, a potential alternative to retinoids?

Latest News – January 14, 2021

Retinoids vs Bakuchiol. Is bakuchiol, a potential alternative to retinoids?

  Bakuchiol vs Retinoids -  Is bakuchiol,a potential alternative to retinoids? Bakuchiol is a natural antioxidant and anti-ageing ingredient found in the seeds and leaves of the plant Psoralea Corylifolia. This plant, also known as babchi, is native to and grows wild throughout India, where it plays a role in Ayurvedic medicine. Bakuchiol is a new molecule that has a similar effect on retinoid receptors, but having no structural resemblance to retinoids family, but is considered a functional analogue of retinol. 

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Latest News – January 11, 2021


Acne Rosacea -Rosacea is a complex skin condition , with inflammatory triggers, in which environmental factors can interfere negatively or positively in its evolution.   Our skin barrier can be disrupted due to many possible reasons. When it’s damaged the tight junctions between the skin cells are lost. This allows external irritants to get in our skin a lot easier and lead to more water leaving our skin, leading to a dry tight feeling. Damaged skin barrier is characterised by an easily irritated, dehydrated and flaky skin, red skin. Improving the skin barrier function can significantly reduce symptoms, plus reduce inflammation. Up to 30% of rosacea sufferers have a family history of the condition leading researchers to believe it involves as yet unidentified genes, and for some, this is an inherited condition.

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Free radicals & Antioxidants.

Latest News – January 02, 2021

Free radicals & Antioxidants.

What are free radicals?Natural chemical reactions in our cells produce unwanted by-products called reactive oxygen species (ROS) – better known as free radicals. These furiously ping about inside cells causing havoc, particularly a type of damage called oxidation. Seen an apple go brown? Smelt oil or nuts that have gone off? That’s oxidation. Unchecked, a disastrous chain reaction would occur in which cell’s most precious elements – their fat rich membranes, their proteins and DNA - would degrade and suffer irreparable harm.There’s also a whole other source of free radicals - the environment. The skin is bombarded by sunlight (UV, infrared, visible light), weather and pollution which trigger the production of free radicals.

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What can be done to slow the ageing process?

Latest News – January 02, 2021

What can be done to slow the ageing process?

We start losing collagen from the age of 20, starting the creation of lines and wrinkles. Healthy skin reflects overall health, and poor nutrition can contribute to factors that accelerate skin ageing.Environmental factors such as ultraviolet radiation, pollution, nutrition and stress, play a key role in the way we age. Research also suggests that a diet rich in sugar contributes to the loss of collagen in the tissues as the result of a process known as glycation, which can destroy collagen. Smoking kills vitamin C and in turn damages collagen. 

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Custom Dose by SkinCeuticals at Nu Aesthetics SkinClinic

Latest News – December 01, 2020

Custom Dose by SkinCeuticals at Nu Aesthetics SkinClinic

CUSTOM D.O.S.E features active ingredients chosen for their proven ability to target the appearance of skin ageing issues, like wrinkles, fine lines, and discolouration. Each personalised corrective serum is the outcome of extensive research on more than 250 combinations of skin traits and concerns. Custom dose allows us to use a cocktail of fresh active ingredients to custom design a serum specific to your skincare

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Latest News – December 01, 2020


To help and support a healthy skin renewal process, we strongly advise regular ‘advanced’ facials with an experienced skincare professional, every 4-6 weeks. More than a simple “pampering” facial with relaxing massage techniques, advanced treatments include smart technology such as radiofrequency, laser or chemical peels, along with products containing biologically active ingredients to support the health of your skin cells and address your individual skin concerns.

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The benefits of Hyaluronic acid serums for wrinkles and skin ageing.

Latest News – December 01, 2020

The benefits of Hyaluronic acid serums for wrinkles and skin ageing.

So why do we need to add it to our skin if its already produced by the body? Put simply, hyaluronic acid is a molecule with a short life cycle, so 30-50% of it degrades every 24 hours. We also see a natural decline in our natural hyaluronic acid levels as we age. This starts to decrease in our 20s, accelerating further as we reach our 40s. These two factors combined can contribute to signs of ageing including dryness, fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin texture, loss of firmness, and the appearance of loss of facial fullness. Adding hyaluronic acid topically with a serum can help to address these issues by topping up the natural hyaluronic acid that we have lost. HA Intensifier read more 

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Antioxidants help to protect against Free Radical damage.

Latest News – May 03, 2020

Antioxidants help to protect against Free Radical damage.

Free radicals are unstable molecules that can cause damage to our cells. What makes them unstable is that they are missing electrons from their outer shell. This causes them to search for other atoms or molecules that have these electrons, in order for them to feel whole again and become stable. Due to their reactive nature, free radicals can wreak havoc on your skin and other cells in their quest to find an electron and feel whole again. In order to stabilise themselves, free radicals try to bond to other atoms or molecules. 

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