For some COVID-19 patients, the body's immune response may be as destructive as the virus that causes the disease. The persistent high fevers, severe respiratory distress, and lung damage seen in some critically ill patients are all signs of an immune system in overdrive. Prevention is key as Covid20 is on its way. The majority of people who have had an adverse reaction to the Covid19 virus already had underlying health issues . We all need to practice self care. This episode of the virus has thought a lot of people how to cook as restaurants were closed. Hopefully going forward people will see the necessity to control the ingredients and source of the food that they eat. Vegetables and fruit need to be fresh, they should smell and look fresh to be able to fortify your body's daily needs for nutrients. Eating a healthy wholesome diet will help boost your immune system. Include lots of quality locally sourced vegetables which are naturally rich in antioxidants which are naturally anti inflammatory . They naturally boost your health as will adding herbs and ginger & curcumin . Anti Inflammatory supplements such as Resveratrol N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine and L'Glutamine etc. Exercise daily . Get proper sleep- the hours between 11 and 2am is when your body goes in to repair mode,so it is important for the most part to get to bed on time. This time of repair is hugely important for your mental health. Address any issues you may have with sleep. Sleep apnea needs to be medically addressed. Weight issues need to be addressed, now is the time to take action. Small actions can result in a big positive outcome over time. Cut out smoking completely and cut alcohol. Reduce stress levels - address the causes of
your stress. Your genes have little to do with your health with this research saying that they have less than 5% to do with your risk of developing a particular disease. This is a big relief for lots of people who assume it is their destiny to go on to develop the same health conditions as their parents and previous generations had. What you do and the choices you make re diet and lifestyle impacts your health. Use this time to plan for a healthier you and in turn a healthier family as invariably we do what we experience as kids growing up. If we are brought up to eat healthy, exercise and sleep - chances we continue to do this in to adult life. It is never too late to take a positive approach to your health . Let today be the beginning of your journey to a healthier happier you.
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A hyperactive immune response isn't unique to COVID-19. People with autoimmune diseases and cancer patients receiving immunotherapy can experience similar symptoms. These responses are referred to as macrophage activation syndrome, cytokine release syndrome -- or simply "cytokine storms."
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