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A Retinol Sandwich

Latest News – March 27, 2024

A Retinol Sandwich

A retinol sandwich simply entails layering retinol between two applications of a non-active moisturiser.  To do it, apply moisturiser to damp, cleansed skin. Next, use your retinol product as directed on the package, remember a small amount goes a long way, avoiding sensitive areas like the eyelids and corners of the mouth. Then complete your “sandwich” by adding another generous layer of moisturiser on top. This second layer of moisturiser can either be the same formula you used for the first or a thicker one, depending on how much hydration you need.

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Hormones and Oestrogen in women overview blog post

Latest News – March 27, 2024

Overview of Hormones and Oestrogen in Women

Oestrogen appears to play a central role in the immune response but can too much of it be a good thing? When clients come to me with hormonal imbalances or symptoms that range from oily skin and acne, digestive upset, PMS, or heavy, painful periods, the digestion and liver are two of the first areas we address. The liver is key to metabolism, detoxification, nutrient absorption, blood sugar balance, and immune system function. It is quite the superhero of the body.

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Skincare ingredients to look for to protect your skin.

Latest News – March 09, 2024

Skincare ingredients to look for to protect your skin.

  Skincare ingredients that are pro ageing ,  focus on addressing specific concerns associated with aging, such as loss of elasticity, fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven skin tone. Here are some ingredients commonly found in skincare products that can be beneficial for mature skin in multiple ways: Retinoids: recognised as gold standard- these are derivatives of vitamin A known for their ability to stimulate collagen production . 

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Skin Ageing - pro skin ageing.

Latest News – March 09, 2024

Skin Ageing - pro skin ageing.

So what exactly constitutes ageing skin ? The answer depends on two factors: chronological age and biological ageing . Chronological age refers to how old you are based on your birth date, while biological age refers to how well your body is aging in relation to your chronological age. For example, one person may be 60 years old but have the biological age of a 50-year-old because they’ve taken great care of their health and appearance over the years.

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Ferulic Acid in Skincare

Latest News – March 02, 2024

Ferulic Acid in Skincare

Ferulic Acid is a powerful antioxidant that is actually found in the cell walls of plants such as apples, wheat, peanuts, rice and oranges, where it helps the plant to protect and preserve itself. So what happens when you apply it to the skin? First of all, it helps to neutralise harmful free radicals in our environment which can cause deep structural damage and ageing signs to appear prematurely. Ferulic Acid can also help to suppress radiation-induced oxidative reactions in the skin and prevent UV-induced pigmentation from appearing or becoming more prominent.

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Latest News – February 19, 2024


Regenerative treatments are top of the list of aesthetic treatments in 2024 as clients seek a more natural outcome. A natural outcome has always been our goal for our clients. One of the primary benefits of polynucleotides treatment is its ability to enhance skin healing and regeneration. PNs work at a cellular level, stimulating fibroblast activity and promoting the production of collagen and elastin. This accelerates the skin’s natural healing process and helps repair damaged tissues, resulting in improved skin texture, tone, and elasticity. Additionally, PNs have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce redness and swelling after aesthetic procedures or skin injuries.

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Knowledge4Health & Nuala Woulfe Menopause Programme

Latest News – February 05, 2024

Knowledge4Health & Nuala Woulfe Menopause Programme

Menopause is a natural part of every woman's life. it's not a disease; it's a journey that requires support, and this journey starts long before any symptoms appear. The optimal time to consider adding extra support is the decade leading up to Perimenopause. It's never too late though, so don't be alarmed if like many women, you're already way past this point and experience a myriad of unwanted symptoms. This programme has the potential to bring significant benefits at any stage.

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Menopause/Perimenopause .

Latest News – February 04, 2024

Menopause/Perimenopause .

      Edelle O'Doherty. Perimenopause Programme -Why do it?‘Adapting the terrain to support a natural hormonal progression’Menopause is a natural part of every woman’s life. It’s not a disease; it’s a journey that requires support, and this journey starts long before any symptoms appear. The optimal time to consider adding extra support is in the decade leading up to Perimenopause. It’s never too late though, so don’t be alarmed if like many women, you’re already way past this point and experiencing a myriad of unwanted symptoms. This programme has the potential to bring significant benefits at any stage.The Perimenopause Programme isn’t designed simply to trouble-shoot individual symptoms, instead it takes a full 360° view of your health, considering the body as a dynamic set of interconnected systems that all have the potential to influence each other. The menopausal journey is not only concerned with sex hormones (oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone) but involves gut health, adrenals, thyroid, blood sugar balance, oestrogen metabolism and biotransformation processes too. The good news is that by taking this wider panoramic view, and adapting the overall terrain, the body is well placed to move seamlessly through this hormonal journey.“Supporting the menopausal journey is a bit like helping a whole orchestra to play in harmony; the aim is always high and we want every single instrument playing in tune” Jo Gamble. Jo Gamble was the first Functional Medicine Practitioner in the UK

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Woulfe Skin Specialists

Latest News – February 04, 2024

Azelaic Acid?

Azelaic Acid?You wouldn’t be alone if you have never heard of azelaic acid. Despite having a plethora of skincare benefits - is it?Azelaic Acid a naturally occurring compound found in whole grains and is also produced by the skin’s natural yeasts. Extensive studies of this acid have shown it to be beneficial for several conditions; from acne to melasma.

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Hair Loss and Scalp health.

Latest News – February 04, 2024

Hair Loss and Scalp health.

Hair loss can be caused by many reasons including hereditary factors, poor diet, hormone changes and certain medications.Alopecia is an umbrella term for conditions characterised by hair loss. It is not contagious, though sometimes it can be a sign of other health problems. Alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease, is one of the more common types of alopecia. Not all of them are related to an unusual immune system response, though. Some types of alopecia are related to genetic, lifestyle, or environmental factors, as well as psychological conditions that lead to hair pulling. Treatments for many types of alopecia are the same and may involve oral medications and topical therapies. For some alopecia types, behavioural changes are needed to reverse hair loss. Seek the advice of a Dermatologist as soon as you notice hair loss – there is a lot that can be done.

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Your guide to menopausal skin: how menopause affects skin & the best ways to manage it

Latest News – January 10, 2024

Your guide to menopausal skin: how menopause affects skin & the best ways to manage it

    Menopause has a significant impact on a woman’s skin . As our hormones decrease, so too does a substantial percentage of our collagen, leading to an increase in lines, wrinkles, and looser skin, as well as several other potential skin issues. In this ultimate guide, we address the skin changes you may notice and advise how best to prevent or treat them, so you proactively manage this transition and thrive during it, rather than feel overwhelmed!Perimenopause is the lesser-known of the two – it is the transitioning period marking the end of our reproductive years, when ovaries slow down the production of hormones (progesterone and oestrogen) and you may start to notice physical symptoms as a result. Periods become unpredictable, irregular, and eventually stop due to the decline in ovarian function. Perimenopause can last for months or years but it may not be obvious that you are perimenopausal if you only have mild or few symptoms.

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How to Avoid the January Blues

Latest News – January 08, 2024

How to Avoid the January Blues

Start small. Break your goal into tinier steps over the course of the year. If weight loss is  your goal, it doesn’t have to be drastic. Try to eat more veggies during your first month and  gradually cut back on sweets throughout the next, suggests Gould. Be kind to yourself. If you didn’t achieve last year’s resolution or stray from the path this  time around, let it go. “We often contrive these stories (‘I’m never going to quit smoking!’)  that only add to our distress,” says Gould. “With practice, we can notice this self-critic, let go  of that negativity and pick our goals back up without the guilt or shame.” Ask for help. It is always easier to achieve your goals with the support of others. Recruit  your family or join a group. 

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The Importance of Regular Facials

Latest News – December 14, 2023

The Importance of Regular Facials

Did you know that your skin is constantly renewing itself? Every month dead skin cells travel from the innermost layer of the epidermis to the surface of the skin in a process called keratinisation. These dead skin cells or corneocytes, still have a vital function in forming the skin barrier, which protects skin from aggressors such as pollution, germs and other irritants. As the cycle continues, they are naturally exfoliated by the skin over time. This prevents the build-up of too many dead cells (which would clog up the skin’s surface) and in turn stimulates new cells to grow.

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