Vitamin C: Everything you need to know about this fab skincare ingredient
Vitamin C is a gold-standard anti-ageing ingredient, proven to brighten the skin and to reduce pigmentation. There are only a handful of ingredients in skincare that have stood the test of time, with clinically proven results that make them worth the money. These include retinol, hyaluronic acid, glycolic acid and vitamin C. Vitamin C and retinol being the most researched and science backed ingredients.
Vitamin C has three big benefits - it is essential for collagen synthesis, it helps shield against the damage from UV rays, and it inhibits the production of an enzyme called tyrosinase that causes pigmentation, making it great for skin brightening.
It is it renowned for its anti-ageing properties, but it also works to even out your skin tone and to protect you from environmental damage.
How do you use it?
Vitamin C comes in lots of different forms in skincare, which can be confusing, but l-ascorbic acid is pure vitamin C and is the one that is backed up by the most research, so if in doubt, that is the type to look for. It is worth noting that vitamin C is a tricky ingredient – it oxidises easily, L-ascorbic acid breaks down with regular exposure to air and light (to prevent this, choose products that come in airtight, opaque glass packaging) – all of which makes it an expensive ingredient, but we believe that it is worth it.
You might find you experience mild irritation when you first use vitamin C; if this is the case, start using it three times a week and build up to daily use.
Vitamin C has three big benefits. It is essential for collagen synthesis, it helps shield against the damage from UV rays, and it inhibits the production of an enzyme that causes pigmentation, making it really brightening.
This makes the ingredient a universal winner, as not only is it renowned for its anti-ageing properties, but it also works to even out your skin tone and to protect you from sun damage.
You can usually find vitamin C-based products combined with vitamin E and B, ferulic acid and hyaluronic acid. This is because they are all strong antioxidants which will support and stabilise the vitamin C content. These are triple antioxidants which are superior to singular antioxidants.
It is worth noting that you should keep an eye out for darker glass bottles – vitamin C is very sensitive and often inactivated when exposed to light and heat. The best quality products come in dark bottles to retain their potency, quality, and longevity and this is usually reflected in the price.
SkinCeuticals vitamin C, E and ferulic acid super serum is worth every single penny when it comes to results. The high concentrate formula contains a whopping 15 % of pure vitamin C, with 1 % vitamin E plus the addition of the antioxidant ferulic acid. Unlike many high concentration vitamin C products, this is gentle enough for sensitive skins. Simply pat on clean dry skin every morning. Then apply an hyaluronic serum plus a broad spectrum SPF. We have some great promotion kits for sale on our website. You can receive a free cleanser with your antioxidant or a free SPF with your antioxidant.