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A healthier You .

Latest News – September 16, 2024

A healthier You .

  September is a great month to give yourself some attention and time . If you have any underlying health concerns, gut issues, tiredness , sleep concerns etc etc - booking a detailed consultation with EdelleO’Doherty -Nutritional therapist & Functional Medicine Practitioner will set you up with a clear roadmap of how to address your symptoms.  Call reception on 012300244/012300255 to book a consultation with Edelle .  Functional Medicine – for complex pre-existing conditionsthat have not been helped via orthodox medical treatment alone. For those whose symptoms are complex and often unexplained. Those symptoms that need thorough investigation and testing and specialised dietary and lifestyle interventions

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Protect your skin from Pollution.

Latest News – April 06, 2024

Protect your skin from Pollution.

It’s not just UV light from the sun that wreaks havoc on our complexion; environmental damage is also a cause of dull, rough, blotchy, discoloured, and older-looking skin. Daily exposure to various forms of pollution accelerates signs of ageing.Air pollution is a collective term for all gases or particles that are released by human activity. This includes exhaust fumes from cars, production processes, petroleum and other chemical refineries and cigarette smoke.

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Are you in a constant cycle of “flight or fight”?

Latest News – September 08, 2023

Are you in a constant cycle of “flight or fight”?

When you are in a stressful situation, your body may react by going into “fight or flight “ mode, pumping out stress hormones, raising blood pressure and pulse, and redirecting blood away from your organs towards your legs and arms to prepare the body for “flight” . This would be important if you needed to get away from a wild animal, but today we are less likely to find ourselves needing to get away from a wild animal.Normally for a healthy person, the body bounces back to normal once the stressful times are over . Many people get stuck in fight of flight mode. This is especially true when people find themselves dealing with chronic health conditions or a family or work related situation that they cannot handle. The chronic stressors become a self perpetuating vicious cycle . This situation can then lead to anxiety . People sometimes try and reduce the anxiety by avoiding the feared situation altogether.

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Get your health to a higher point .

Latest News – October 17, 2021

Get your health to a higher point .

We all owe it to ourselves to be healthy, so you are resilient and strong.   Your first line of defence is a healthy fresh wholesome diet. Be aware of where you source your food. There are some great sources of fresh eggs, vegetables and fruit delivered to your door direct from the farm.  Try to source fresh - Fish should look as if it might jump up and swim away. The skin should be bright and shiny with close-fitting scales. Dry, dull flesh and loose scales are signs of age. The eyes should be clear and bulging; if the fish has sunken or cloudy eyes, look for a fresher specimen.

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Nasal breathing.

Latest News – May 27, 2023

Nasal breathing.

  New research has found that obstructive sleep apnea — a disorder in which breathing stops and starts during sleep — is associated with an increased risk for gout, a common cause of  arthritis. Scientists studied 15,879 patients with apnea and 63,296 matched controls without, following them for an average of almost six years. Over that time, 4.9 percent of people with apnea developed gout, compared with 2.6 percent of those without the disorder. 

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Skin and Ageing.

Latest News – May 25, 2023

Skin and Ageing.

  Many things cause our skin to age. Some things we some we can influence, others we can do nothing about . The skin has three important layers: the outer epidermis, the middle dermis and the inner subcutaneous fat layer. The epidermis is a thin layer that contains the pigment that colours your skin. The thicker dermis layer contains hair follicles, oil glands and blood vessels. The inner, fatty layer serves as a protective barrier to your organs. As you age, the epidermis gradually thins and pigment levels decrease. This results in thinner, paler skin. You may also notice sunspots from UV exposure, known as solar lentigo. 

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Skin Cancer and what you need to know.

Latest News – May 22, 2023

Skin Cancer and what you need to know.

Skin cancer accounts for most malignancies across the globe. They are primarily divided into melanoma and nonmelanoma skin malignancies. Nonmelanoma skin cancer includes basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. .One in every three cancers diagnosed in the world is a skin cancer.There were more than 320,000 cases of skin cancer globally in 2020, the most recent figures available from the World Cancer Research Fund International.Skin cancer is the most common cancer in Ireland, with over 13,000 new cases diagnosed every year. The National Cancer Registry of Ireland (NCRI) expects this number to double by 2040.Skin cancer is a disease of skin cells. Nine out of every 10 cases are caused by UV rays from the sun or sunbeds. Over exposure to UV rays, which leads to tanning, redness or burning of the skin, causes damage to skin cells. While much of this damage is repaired some remains and can lead to skin cancer later in lifeYou need to use protection even indoors and behind the wheel of the car, as UVA penetrates through glass .The phrase 'high SPF' sounds ­reassuring, but it may give a false sense of security as a product with this factor only refers to protection against UVB rays, which is not quite enough. So this typically means that you might stay out in the sun for longer as the perception is that you are not burning. In the meantime UVA travels like a X-ray and damages deeper in to the skin. UVA is the primary radiation used in tanning beds. It causes almost all forms of skin ageing , including wrinkles. UVA damages the collagen and elastin in the skin and also generates free radicals.

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Anti-glycation foods: Research says that certain foods may actually help protect our collagen.

Latest News – April 09, 2023

Anti-glycation foods: Research says that certain foods may actually help protect our collagen.

Skin Glycation.  A.G.E. Interrupter Advanced is a potent corrective cream designed to help reverse accelerated signs of aging impacted by glycation and collagen decline. Formulated with a high-concentration combination of ProxylaneTM, wild fruit flavonoids, and glycyrrhetinic acid, this breakthrough anti-wrinkle cream helps correct visible skin aging and defend against new and recurring damage. All in a luxuriously textured formula. 

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Protect Your Heart, Brain and Life with Sulforaphane

Latest News – January 30, 2022

Protect Your Heart, Brain and Life with Sulforaphane

Sulforaphane is a powerful phytochemical that’s created when a cruciferous plant’s myrosinase and glucoraphanin compounds combine, through chewing, chopping, cutting, etc. The resulting sulforaphane tamps down the body’s production of free radicals, helping to block a number of the enzymes that can activate cancer cells. In addition to being full of fiber and rich in sulforaphane, cruciferous veggies are brain and heart-protective and are associated with a reduced risk of colon  and rectal cancer. They’re also credited with helping to protect against prostatic, endometrial and ovarian cancers – so when they’re referred to as superfoods, it’s no joke.

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Pigmentation - the story continues.

Latest News – July 24, 2021

Pigmentation - the story continues.

Hyperpigmentation is an umbrella term used to define common skin conditions — including post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), melasma and sun spots — in which patches of skin become darker than the surrounding area. The darkening of the skin results from an excess in melanin — the natural pigment that determines skin, hair and eye colour — and frequently appears on the face, hands and other parts of the body regularly exposed to sunlight.

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Vitamin C: Everything you need to know about this fab skincare ingredient

Latest News – May 11, 2021

Vitamin C: Everything you need to know about this fab skincare ingredient

SkinCeuticals vitamin C, E and ferulic acid super serum is worth every single penny when it comes to results. The high concentrate formula contains a whopping 15 % of pure vitamin C, with 1 % vitamin E plus the addition of the antioxidant ferulic acid. Unlike many high concentration vitamin C products, this is gentle enough for sensitive skins. Simply pat on clean dry skin every morning. Then apply an hyaluronic serum plus a broad spectrum SPF. 

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Relaxation advice from Sabina at Serenity Day Spa

Latest News – March 10, 2021

Relaxation advice from Sabina at Serenity Day Spa

  The vagus nerve (also known as the 10th cranial nerve or CN X) is a very long nerve that originates in the brain stem and extends down through the neck and into the chest and abdomen. It carries both motor and sensory information, and it supplies innervation to the heart, major blood vessels, airways, lungs, esophagus, stomach, and intestines.While there are actually two vagus nerves (the left and the right), doctors usually refer to them together as “the vagus nerve.”The vagus nerve helps control several muscles of the throat and of the voicebox. It plays a major role in regulating the heart rate and keeping the gastrointestinal tract in working order. The vagus nerves also carry sensory information from the internal organs back to the brain Cold water therapies stimulate the vagus nerve as does singing and gargling .       

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How to cope with that nameless dread, anxiety and stress.

Latest News – January 20, 2021

How to cope with that nameless dread, anxiety and stress.

Experts in the field of breathwork say that as many 80% of us have dysfunctional breathing patterns. We come in to the world knowing how to breath, but as we age we appear to learn to breath shallow and short. People who are anxious tend to breathe in their upper lungs (upper chest) with shallow, rapid breaths, instead of breathing into their lower lungs (lower chest). This is one contribution to hyperventilation: shallow, upper lung breathing.

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Retinoids vs Bakuchiol. Is bakuchiol, a potential alternative to retinoids?

Latest News – January 14, 2021

Retinoids vs Bakuchiol. Is bakuchiol, a potential alternative to retinoids?

  Bakuchiol vs Retinoids -  Is bakuchiol,a potential alternative to retinoids? Bakuchiol is a natural antioxidant and anti-ageing ingredient found in the seeds and leaves of the plant Psoralea Corylifolia. This plant, also known as babchi, is native to and grows wild throughout India, where it plays a role in Ayurvedic medicine. Bakuchiol is a new molecule that has a similar effect on retinoid receptors, but having no structural resemblance to retinoids family, but is considered a functional analogue of retinol. 

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Latest News – January 11, 2021


Acne Rosacea -Rosacea is a complex skin condition , with inflammatory triggers, in which environmental factors can interfere negatively or positively in its evolution.   Our skin barrier can be disrupted due to many possible reasons. When it’s damaged the tight junctions between the skin cells are lost. This allows external irritants to get in our skin a lot easier and lead to more water leaving our skin, leading to a dry tight feeling. Damaged skin barrier is characterised by an easily irritated, dehydrated and flaky skin, red skin. Improving the skin barrier function can significantly reduce symptoms, plus reduce inflammation. Up to 30% of rosacea sufferers have a family history of the condition leading researchers to believe it involves as yet unidentified genes, and for some, this is an inherited condition.

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Stretches to assist you working at a desk

Latest News – January 04, 2021

Stretches to assist you working at a desk

Your posture at your desk can be a big factor in any neck and shoulder pain you’re experiencing. Stretch your chestWhat’s the use of straining our back and back-of-the-shoulder muscles to try and sit up straight, when we have tight, wound-up chest and front-of-the-shoulder muscles pulling us forward? Actively work to release your rib cage. See that your seat is at the correct position - in line with the correct position of the monitor. Use a head set rather than a handset for your phone.

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The benefits of Hyaluronic acid serums for wrinkles and skin ageing.

Latest News – December 01, 2020

The benefits of Hyaluronic acid serums for wrinkles and skin ageing.

So why do we need to add it to our skin if its already produced by the body? Put simply, hyaluronic acid is a molecule with a short life cycle, so 30-50% of it degrades every 24 hours. We also see a natural decline in our natural hyaluronic acid levels as we age. This starts to decrease in our 20s, accelerating further as we reach our 40s. These two factors combined can contribute to signs of ageing including dryness, fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin texture, loss of firmness, and the appearance of loss of facial fullness. Adding hyaluronic acid topically with a serum can help to address these issues by topping up the natural hyaluronic acid that we have lost. HA Intensifier read more 

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Antioxidants help to protect against Free Radical damage.

Latest News – May 03, 2020

Antioxidants help to protect against Free Radical damage.

Free radicals are unstable molecules that can cause damage to our cells. What makes them unstable is that they are missing electrons from their outer shell. This causes them to search for other atoms or molecules that have these electrons, in order for them to feel whole again and become stable. Due to their reactive nature, free radicals can wreak havoc on your skin and other cells in their quest to find an electron and feel whole again. In order to stabilise themselves, free radicals try to bond to other atoms or molecules. 

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