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What causes skin to age ?

What causes skin to age ?

Skin aging is caused by a combination of different factors, both internal and external. Understanding the way that internal and external factors affect skin’s structure and function can help to inform skin care choices and prevent premature skin aging.

Internal factors

Young skin has a thick epidermis and a strong network of collagen fibres.
Mature skin has a thinner epidermis and a weakened network of collagen fibres.

Our biological age determines structural changes in skin some of which are inevitable and unavoidable:

A poorer blood supply means that less oxygen and fewer nutrients travel to the skin’s surface which results in a duller tone.

Lower sebaceous and sweat gland activity, and a reduction in skin’s natural ability to produce Hyaluronic Acid, result in a weakening of the hydrolipid film and can lead to age-induced dryness and increased wrinkles.

Reduced oestrogen production post-menopause, combined with diminishing cell regeneration, affect the structure of female facial skin by causing a loss of volume and, as skin matures further, a loss of elasticity.

Genetics also play a key role in how skin ages. Our ethnicity, gender, and the skin type that we are born with all make a difference to how quickly signs of ageing appear on the surface of skin.

External factors

80% of the factors that influence premature skin ageing are external and can be controlled.

Daily cleansing and reduced exposure to the sun can delay premature ageing.
The good news however is that more than 80% possibly 90% of skin ageing is caused by external factors which can be influenced:

Environmental factors: UV exposure and air pollution.

Lifestyle factors: smoking, alcohol, nutrition, stress, and lack of appropriate skincare.
Read more about the factors that influence skin aging in general skin aging.


Research has shown that areas of skin that remain unexposed to sun maintain their tone, elasticity, and the ability to regenerate until an advanced age. It is exposure to UV rays that causes photo ageing (premature ageing caused by the sun). This means that reducing our exposure to the sun and using proven and effective sun protection is a vital step that can be taken to delay the signs of ageing.

Skincare routine

Daily cleansing and skin care using products formulated to match the needs of your skin type, condition and age will help to keep skin healthy and delay the signs of premature ageing.

November 06, 2021

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